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Oficina da História

VINCULUM PI, ERC grantee Maria de Lurdes Rosa was invited by Rita Costa Gomes to participate in the fifth podcast series Oficina de História da Guarda (Guarda’s History Workshop), hosted by the Centro de Estudos Ibéricos.

This series is directed by Rita Costa-Gomes, History professor at the University of Towson, Maryland (USA). She and her guests engage in a conversation about their common passion for the study and the research of the past.

During this new podcast, in Portuguese, several aspects regarding family archives and their importance are mentioned and discussed. This conversation is enhanced by the participants expertise and testimonials, providing a qualified view on this paramount resource.

In this recording, archives are valued not only as key source for researchers work but also for the individual exercise of citizenship by means of its acknowledgement, protection and public availability to society.

In a way, a glimpse of what to expect from several outputs from the VINCULUM project.